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purely perrin

YOGA / 2

I have still been pursuing my goals and practicing and challenging myself with some yoga poses. Since I missed May this is the May/June pose. I decided to try Astavakrasana AKA eight crooked limbs. I decided to go big since I skipped my May pose. April is when I first began really working on this pose, it was a pretty difficult one for me. Let’s just say, I fell on my face a lot! I still have a ways to go but I am incredibly proud of where I am at now compared to where I was in April!

I enlisted my friend Lindsay again to take these pictures and holding this pose for long periods of time warranted some much needed – and what turned into ridiculous – breaks!

Thankfully, we still managed to get some real pictures in too!

I believe that I have been able to hold this pose for longer because in addition to yoga I have been doing pure barre. It kicks my booty each time but I can see the difference in my body already and I can for sure see the improvement in my upper body strength! I think it might be my new obsession. Between takes for the pose I would rest my arms and practice some of the poses that we do in class and Lindsay snapped some pictures.

When I take the pure barre classes it makes me feel like I am a dancer again (granted I was never super good but still) and the ballerina I always wanted to be. It has challenged me more than other group fitness classes – mainly because I hate group fitness classes – and has improved my yoga as well!

Today I am heading to Texas to go see family for a bit and be reunited with my husband! I am completely over the moon excited! I am actually posting this from my parent’s car while driving through Arizona. Hotspot internet is amazing! I may not be able to post a ton while I am gone (because I am going to be busy holding my new niece!!) but I am going to be taking loads of pictures so y’all can see a little more of our lives! See ya in Texas y’all!

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